Under-utilization in sex is a big problem my wife and I solve. There is much greater potential than our society is anywhere near understanding for sexual pleasure, orgasm, intimacy, touch, mental-sexy, and love that people never discover because society does not offer a resource to fill the ignorance gap.
Full utilization is the foundation to a stunning romantic life; one better than what you can imagine because you don't yet have enough skills to make what you're missing: emotional states, happiness, and sensations you had no idea could feel so good, be so intense, and multi-faceted.
A woman's sexual instrument, her body's capabilities, are the most under-utilized based on how great her capabilities truly are for giving and receiving sexual pleasure. Like a violin is made for making music to stimulate the sense of hearing, a woman's sexual physiology and neurology is made for delighting the sense of touch and sensation. Fully-actualized, it is capable of tremendous pleasure because she has a variety of ergoenous zones to master; stimulating them in combination. Our sex life coaching reveals all the strings, the variations, chords, notes and harmonies.
A good metaphor for what I’m talking about is the first way you learn to play a string instrument, like the violin. Even before you learn to play any notes you have to learn how to hold the violin and the bow together, then the method of moving the bow over the strings. Next, you do some plucking on the strings and finally learn to play each string; creating the note tones possible without pressing on the fret board. You get four notes out of that. Only by pressing down the strings against the fret do you get more note tones.
What I and my wife see, when it comes to judging the playing quality of a woman’s sexual instrument, is the majority of people are at best learning to hold the violin and move the bow, but press not more than one or two strings on the fret; or none at all. Ignorance is the primary cause of this, combined secondarily with minds awash in staggering egotism over what little is understood, but also pressured restriction plays a role in how many strings are allowed to be pressed.
As anyone can hear from virtuosic violin playing, there is much more a violin is capable of in the hands of those who care enough to learn to play all of the strings. No one who plays a violin skillfully under-utilizes it’s capabilities. A woman’s sexual instrument can be played in kind.
Under-utilization happens to men too, but their most often singular climax is baked in. It also often defines the end of sex right when a woman's physical and mental arousal is getting started. In addition to physical skill sets, there's also understanding the timing of what to do and when. My favorite example of good timing in sex play is knowing that a vagina has different capabilities in different states of arousal. What's pleasurable or possible after she's one more orgasms in isn't the same as before she's had her first. The more pleasure given, the more open and elongated the vagina becomes and the more fluffy and thick its walls. This sets the stage for specific forms of pleasure and intercourse that otherwise aren't pleasurable or possible in a given woman.
If basic sex never goes beyond a man's climax (and none or one orgasm for her,) she won't reach those later higher stages. How many couples have lived their entire sex lives with the basics or less? Also, the more quality sexual build-up a vagina, clitoris, and other erogenous zones are subjected to, the more pleasure is imparted to a penis due to that filled intra-vaginal erectile tissue.
This also gives a woman the conditions to keep the hot fun going and makes other pleasures like G-spot stimulation and orgasm easier to attain because her erectile tissue (G-spot included) is fully aroused and ready to be played to success. Did you know it takes more stimulation time and know-how to fully arouse the G-Spot, even when the woman has an erotic mental mindset, than it takes the penis and clitoris to be ready.
Don't stay forever in basics or intermediates done during a woman's starting arousal stage. Greater pleasures await with that extra time well-spent. And, don’t expect most adult video depictions to define what great sex is. Kira and I are still waiting for what you can find in adult video to catch up to us with regards to female pleasure creation. I tell prospective clients all the time that you’ll learn things from us that you will likely never see depicted.
I, my wife, and my clients care about sex and value it greatly. Commitment to excellence is how we develop any passion in life be they hobbies or careers. Treat sex with equal interest because it is a miracle in real time. How often do we see dating and sex goals end at getting a woman to agree to sex with zero awareness or concern about quality? How do you get an invite back for more? From her not knowing that sex can be so much better? This is vital for a successful monogamous sex life.
Sex skills can be mastered. Even if you’re good at playing those first four notes on your metaphorical violin, there is so much more. It's not all about, "Everyone's different," or "It will be great when you find your soulmate." Those beliefs play a role, but most often they stand in as excuses for lack of effective information. The best won’t fall down out of the sky and into your laps.
You're going to be with a partner in a monogamous relationship a very long time. Get the skills that maximize your pleasure and orgasms together (there are ways to make the man's orgasm much stronger too). Sex life coaching ought to be a prereq for adulthood because the adult sexual experience and romantic connection is such a huge factor that keeps adults rejuvenated in the face of their stresses and challenges.
Make it all happen. Be counted among those who care deeply about sex.