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Eric Amaranth combines over 20 years of apprenticeship, research, and experience to provide the very best when you’re ready to invest in your sex life.


Amaranth believes that for the majority of people, appreciation of ourselves and our romantic partners is one of the best sustainable resources we have to continuously renew attraction, maintain respect, and stay in romantic love with our partners. This bedrock of deep appreciation is founded and reinforced by the combination of loving relationship skills with breathtaking sexual techniques. It makes partners and spouses into lovers, not distant roommates. Sexual desire is easier to have when the sex is good and gets better over time. 


Clients choose the coaching method that is right for them, with the majority opting for Talk Sessions.  Guided Sessions are available and can be most helpful for two core groups of clients: those just starting out with a new skill or those seeking advanced approaches to take the bedroom to the next level.


Expand the sections below to find your best fit and book a consult.

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